Dental Care
Prevest Eugenol (15ml)
Eugenol – Endodontics
Eugenol offers an obtundent effect and reacts with zinc oxide to form a temporary sedative dental dressing or lining under non-composite resin restorations.
Key Benefits
- Pain Relief: Temporarily relieves localized dental pain.
- Smooth Paste: Combines seamlessly with zinc oxide.
- Sedative Dressing: Creates a soothing, protective layer.
- Easy Application: High fluidity ensures precision.
- Improved Setting: Optimized for reliable results.
- Temporary relief from localized dental pain.
- Use with zinc oxide for sedative dental dressings.
Packaging Options
- 15ml Glass Bottle + Dispensing Dropper (Ref: 40016)
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Ensure Dental Comfort with Eugenol